We've asked the new guy that's been sitting in our office for a few weeks now to identify himself. Please meet our mystery guest:
Hi there, my name is Tj’ièn Twijnstra, almost 31 years of age and I just joined the GameHouse team as game designer. Before joining GameHouse I worked at Playlogic Game Factory, a medium sized studio developing games for consoles. At Playlogic my design focused on action titles such as Fairytale Fights and EyeToy Play: Pompom Party. After about 5 years it was time for me to move to new challenges and broaden my game design horizon.
I’m extremely lucky that I was able to join the talented team here at GameHouse Studios in Eindhoven. The casual games market requires a different approach to the action games I’m used to design, but it is proving to be a perfect challenge for me. The well defined target audience places specific constraints on the design of the game, focusing heavily on usability and elegant systems. These constraints are close to my heart and I think they improve any games’ design, not just casual games.
So far I’m having a blast at work and things are getting more exciting by the day. I had the opportunity to play Heart’s Medicine when it was nearly finished and the team created a unique and involving experience which I’m sure you’ll enjoy. Time management with a heart, can’t get any better than that right?
Almost immediately after I started working I was given my own assignment, which was to help the team with completing Campfire Legends 2: The babysitter. This game is going to be great, solving a mystery filled with scary moments and challenging puzzles.
If that wasn’t enough, I’m also working on a top-secret project. Naturally I’m dying to tell you about it, but I’ll be risking severe physical punishment and mad looks from my colleagues – not sure which is worse, though. So, I owe you one.
Tj’ièn “The new guy” Twijnstra